The pros and cons of meal prep

photo via, by jeffrey deng
photo via, by jeffrey deng

It seems as if this new health craze has suddenly kicked everyone into high conscious gear about what they are consuming. It isn’t a bad thing in the least – people are becoming more aware, in a sense. But is it possible to suggest that being too conscious can even lead to overlooking some things? Possible, sure – I am allowed to have my own opinions, right?  Right. Am I correct? Debatable. Let’s take meal prepping as an example.

Meal prepping is exactly what it sounds like. Usually, at the beginning of the week, a person will take time to cook all their meals for the week and store them in those ubiquitous tupperware containers you can never seem to find the lids to.  People usually follow some kind of plan (you can find a ton on the internet: Pinterest is your friend.) I’ve seen many oat breakfasts, grainy lunches, and salmon and/or chicken dinners. Meal prep makes for more time during the week – all you have to do is pop it in the microwave when you’re ready to eat. It’s also less expensive and you can portion out your food.

BUT. You lose some nutrients in your food when it is refrigerated and then microwaved. Yes, meal prepping does take a lot of time. But what bothers me the most about meal prepping is the lack of flavor. Sorry, not sorry! I just feel that when you are consciously consuming food… it should at least taste good.