Surviving an all-nighter

photo via, by jazmin quaynor
photo via, by jazmin quaynor

In just a few weeks, I will be living at the library. Why? Because finals, that’s why. What a perfect time to cram a semester’s worth of information in a few short days – or better yet, the night before a huge exam! We have all been there, done that… multiple times. By now, I should be considered an expert at all-nighters. What about the day after the all-nighter? That could use some work. Read below the jump for some tips on staying awake after your zero hour sleep. (Please don’t drool on your scantron.)

Stay hydrated! Water is your best friend today. Aim for eight glasses.
Coffee? Coffee. Start your morning with some brew. It will energize your morning, as much as you don’t feel like it.
Take a nap. In this case, sleep is the answer. Your body needs to rest. A nap as short as ten minutes could help, but after forty to forty-five minutes you could wake up feeling groggy.
Lights on! It will keep you awake. Dim lights are a surefire way to crash.
Chat it up. Engaging in conversation can improve your alertness.
Most of all, know your limits! Sleep is essential for survival, just like water and oxygen.
Plan your days better to avoid cramming! See my favorite study habits here.