Bright light therapy

photo via, by sam x
photo via, by sam x

In middle school, one of my teachers complained that we were always in a slump when the colder seasons hit. Now, I am not self-diagnosing our twelve year-old selves, but seasonal affective disorder is really a thing. Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, a depression that often comes during the wintertime when it is cold and gloomy, but then subsides come spring. But when an ecotherapist (see this post) cannot prescribe some sunshine for your blues, it might be suggested that you undertake bright light therapy. Continue reading

How music affects mood

photo via unsplash, by mike giles
photo via unsplash, by mike giles

Ever notice that you tend to listen to music that matches your mood? It sort of makes sense that you would not be listening to heavy metal while you are trying to sleep, or soft, sad music when you are going for a jog  (unless you are into that, and in that case – more power to you). Music plays an integral part in our lives – often the background to our best (and not so best) moments. Continue reading